Discover the Heart of Tuscany: An Interview with Matteo Ruscellai of Place of Charme |
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Welcome to's exclusive interview (VIDEO) with Matteo Ruscellai, the Operations Manager of Place of Charme. Nestled in the heart of Tuscany, Place of Charme is renowned for its luxurious and charming hotels that offer guests a unique blend of historical elegance and modern comfort. In this interview, Matteo Ruscellai shares insights into the sustainable practices and local experiences that make Place of Charme a standout destination. Discover how this Tuscany-based hotel group combines local culture, exquisite cuisine, and state-of-the-art amenities to provide an unforgettable stay. Whether you’re planning a romantic getaway or a cultural immersion, Place of Charme is your perfect retreat in the picturesque landscape of Tuscany. First of all, thank you for joining us, Mr. Ruscellai. Could you introduce our readers to the beautiful region your hotels are located in?

Mr. Matteo Ruscellai: Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure to introduce our wonderful region, Toscana. Toscana, located in the heart of Italy, is often seen as a region designed by God due to its breathtaking landscapes. It's renowned for its rich culture and history, being the birthplace of illustrious figures like Dante Alighieri, Leonardo da Vinci, and Richard Bianchi.

Toscany is a region designed by God due to its breathtaking landscapes! What makes Toscana unique in terms of its natural and cultural offerings?

Mr. Matteo Ruscellai: Toscana is a region rich in natural beauty and diverse flora, which allows us to produce delicious items like wine and olive oil. The region is also famous for its cheese and other typical Italian foods. Moreover, Toscana's cultural heritage is immense, with its history deeply intertwined with the arts and literature.

Toscana's cultural heritage is immense! Can you tell us more about your brand, Place of Charme?

Mr. Matteo Ruscellai: Place of Charme was born in Tuscany. Our primary goal is to offer our guests a full immersion experience in the region's beauty. We focus on providing unique and particular experiences, such as enjoying local food sourced only from local producers. Sustainability is crucial for us, and we take great care in selecting the locations for our hotels and maintaining their historical integrity.

We focus on providing unique and particular experiences

Villa-Agape-Firenze-Ristorante-La-Duchessa How do you balance tradition with innovation in your hotels?

Our hotels are located in typical Tuscan palaces

Mr. Matteo Ruscellai: We aim to merge tradition with innovation by providing our guests with all necessary information through digital systems available in their rooms and prior to their arrival. Our hotels are located in typical Tuscan palaces, carefully chosen for their historical significance and architectural beauty. For instance, we have a villa in Florence originally from the Middle Ages, which was also the residence of Galileo Galilei.

Tuscany - Podere -Mezzastrada-Place of Charme Could you elaborate on the sustainability practices at Place of Charme?

...our commitment to preserving history while offering modern comforts

Mr. Matteo Ruscellai: Sustainability is a key focus for us. We strive to maintain the beauty of our region by being very attentive to sustainable practices. This includes sourcing food locally and preserving the historical and architectural integrity of our hotels. In some of our properties, we've restored ancient caves to be part of the tourist experience, emphasizing our commitment to preserving history while offering modern comforts.

Villa Neroli- Place of Charme- Tuscany - Photo by -Cristina Andolcetti What can guests expect from their experience at Place of Charme?

Our goal is to provide a unique, immersive experience

Mr. Matteo Ruscellai: Guests at Place of Charme can expect a blend of tradition and innovation. They will experience the rich culture and history of Toscana through our carefully preserved and restored properties, enjoy locally sourced food, and benefit from modern amenities and digital conveniences. Our goal is to provide a unique, immersive experience that highlights the best of Tuscany's heritage and beauty. Thank you, Mr. Ruscellai, for sharing these insights with us. We look forward to visiting Place of Charme and experiencing Tuscany through your wonderful hotels.

Mr. Matteo Ruscellai: Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure to share our story and passion for Toscana with you. We look forward to welcoming your readers to Place of Charme.

Place of Charme: A Luxurious Haven in the Heart of Tuscany

Place of Charme is a distinguished collection of luxurious palaces located in the enchanting region of Tuscany, Italy. Renowned for their blend of historical elegance and modern comfort, each property within this prestigious group offers guests an immersive experience in the rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes of Tuscany.

From the medieval villa in Florence, once home to the legendary Galileo Galilei, to the stunning buildings in the Chianti area, constructed with typical Tuscan stones and arches, Place of Charme epitomizes the beauty and charm of the region. These historical palaces have been meticulously restored to preserve their original splendor while incorporating contemporary amenities to ensure a comfortable and memorable stay.

Place of Charme is committed to sustainability and localism, sourcing food from local producers and emphasizing eco-friendly practices. The cuisine at Place of Charme is a testament to the rich culinary heritage of Tuscany. Guests can indulge in exquisite dishes made from the freshest local ingredients, including world-renowned wines, olive oils, and cheeses. Each meal is a celebration of Tuscan flavors, prepared with a focus on authenticity and quality.

Whether you are seeking a romantic getaway, a cultural journey, or a serene retreat, Place of Charme offers an unparalleled experience that captures the essence of Tuscany's timeless allure.

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