WOMEN GLOBAL INVESTMENT SUMMIT - WGIS 2024: A Remarkable Inaugural Edition! | Tourismag.com
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The first edition of the Women Global Investment Summit (WGIS) 2024, organised by the International Council of Women Entrepreneurs (CIFE), took place on 23 February at the Hotel Laico Tunis. The event brought together over 500 participants, including diplomats, businessmen and women, representatives of national and international economic institutions and investment experts from all over the world.
The opening of the summit was marked by the stirring playing of Tunisia's national anthem, followed by a promotional video for CIFE and for Tunisia as a destination. 
In fact, the symbol of the summit is the Punic harbour, announcing that the emancipation of Tunisian women began with Queen Dido (Alyssa), founder of Carthage. 

CIFE's aim on this day is to highlight its vision of a better economy through inclusive transformation, highlighting the potential of women in business.

One of the highlights of the summit was the speech by Nizar Yaich, Tunisia's former finance minister. His speech highlighted our country's strengths while questioning our ability to meet the challenges of today.

The ambassadors were present: H.E. Mrs Anne Guéguen Ambassador of France, H.E. Mrs Joséphine Frantzen Ambassador of the Netherlands, H.E. Mrs Lorraine Diguer Ambassador of Canada, H.E. Mr Marcus Cornaro Ambassador of the European Union, H.E. Mr José Maria Arbilla Ambassador of Argentina, H.E. Mr Moustafa Sow Ambassador of Senegal, H.E. Mr Çağlar Fahri Çakıralp Ambassador of Turkey, H.E. Mr Alessandro Prunas Ambassador of Italy, the Deputy of the British Ambassador, Mr Mathew Forman, the Deputy of the German Ambassador Georg Felsheim, the Deputy of the Spanish Ambassador Carmen Carnes and the Representative of the Korean Embassy. Their participation strengthened the international scope of WGIS2024.
The topics discussed at the summit explored crucial issues, demonstrating the expertise of the high-level keynote speakers.

The Women Global Investment Summit (WGIS) 2024 testimonial and best practice session was a particularly moving moment, highlighting the inspiring journeys of influential women in business. Figures such as Djelika Yeo, President of the Forum International des Femmes Entreprenantes et Dynamiques (FIFED), Delia Flores from Argentina and Irene Bonassisa from Italy shared their remarkable experiences.

The session provided a platform for exploring alternative financing mechanisms, including crowdfunding, venture capital and business angels. The discussions led to concrete and practical solutions, offering participants tangible prospects for overcoming the financial challenges often faced by entrepreneurs.

Thematic panels such as "Investing in the Blue and Green Economy" and "Investing in the Future: Internationalisation of Young Entrepreneurs" added a touch of optimism by presenting concrete opportunities and innovative solutions. These discussions helped to bring the summit to a successful conclusion, leaving a positive impression and promising prospects for the future of women's empowerment in business.

High-level guests honoured the WGIS 2024 with their presence: The Hon. Dr. Lella Golfo, President of the Bellisario Foundation The Rt. Hon. Baroness Fiona Ferelith Hodgson d'Abinger, The president of "Groupement du Patronat Francophone" -GPF- Jean Lou Blachier and Stephane Tiki -Board Member, Sheikha Dr. Dorsaf Al Thani Director of the Office of the Minister of Finance of Qatar, Ms Maria Helena de Felipe, President of the Mediterranean Federation of Women Entrepreneurs (Afemme). 
Ms Djelika Yeo: Founding President of the International Forum of Enterprising and Dynamic Women (FIFED).
Delia Raquel Flores: Founder of the Argentinean Women's Entrepreneurial Group (GEMA). 
Irene Bonassisa: President of the Bonnassisa Group - Italy. 
Ms Catalina Valentino: CEO of ELIXIR Venture Fund.
Dr Amel Altarhouni, President of the Organisation of Women Entrepreneurs in Libya Théo Panizzi, of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. honoured the WGIS 2024 with their presence, underlining its international appeal.
The General Managers of the Tunisian institutions present at the WGIS, namely FIPA, CEPEX, APIA, APII and CDC, spoke about the entrepreneurial climate in Tunisia.

CIFE achieved its objectives at WGIS 2024, with the following concrete results:


CIFE achieved tangible successes by facilitating fruitful meetings and B2B partnership opportunities, thereby strengthening the links between women entrepreneurs and financing players.
B2B: In partnership with the Tunisian-Italian Chamber of Commerce, a delegation of some forty Italian businessmen and women concluded fruitful partnerships with young Tunisian entrepreneurs.

CIFE Branch at United Kingdom:

the WGIS was the occasion for the induction of the international unit, CIFE United Kingdom, and the appointment of Leila Ben Hassen as President.

Strategic partnerships:

Alliances have been formed with the Organisation des Femmes Cheffes d'Entreprise in Libya and the Forum International des Femmes Entreprenantes et Dynamiques in Côte d'Ivoire, strengthening the connections of CIFE's global network.

These concrete achievements attest to CIFE's effectiveness in achieving its objectives and confirm its key role in promoting women's entrepreneurship on a global scale.

The WGIS 2024 was a success, opening up new perspectives for the empowerment of women in business. CIFE is delighted with this year's event and looks forward to exploring new collaborations and initiatives in the future.

CIFE President Rachida Jebnoun announced that the WGIS will become an annual tradition, taking place in a different country each year. In 2025, the WGIS will be held in Saudi Arabia, marking the start of a new era for this flagship event.

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