Dubai Holding Invites Entries for Global Sustainability Challenge 'Innovate for Tomorrow' |
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Open for global innovators to submit impact-driven sustainability solutions to help drive a circular economy in the UAE and accelerate its path towards net-zero

  • In line with the Dubai Holding Sustainability Strategy, challenge focuses on fostering responsible consumption and production practices in alignment with the UN SDG 12
  • Challenge aims to encourage and support global entrepreneurial innovation, providing a platform to scale pioneering sustainability solutions and bring them to life
  • Innovate for Tomorrow Challenge is implemented in collaboration with TECOM Group’s in5 business incubator
  • Submit for the challenge here

Dubai Holding, a global investment holding company operating in 13 countries, is now accepting applications to its 'Innovate for Tomorrow Challenge’, inviting global innovators to share scalable and impact-driven solutions addressing critical sustainability challenges in the UAE. The challenge is open for submissions starting today until Sunday 31 March 2024.

The pioneering challenge aims to support entrepreneurial talent to develop future-focused sustainability solutions that can help in driving a circular economy in the UAE and accelerate its path towards net-zero. Spearheaded by Dubai Holding, the initiative is implemented in collaboration with TECOM Group’s in5 business incubator.

Open to global innovators and scale-up companies worldwide, ‘Innovate for Tomorrow Challenge’ provides an opportunity to submit sustainability solutions in the form of either a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), service, process or a combination, with a particular emphasis on fostering responsible consumption and production practices in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12. This includes areas such as economic circularity, resource efficiency, supply chain sustainability, waste reduction and consumer education.

Huda Buhumaid, Chief Impact Officer, Dubai Holding, said: “As a socially responsible business that operates For the Good of Tomorrow, sustainability is at the forefront of our operations across Dubai Holding. Our unwavering commitment to deliver positive impact and shape a better future for all our stakeholders is grounded in a steadfast dedication to sustainable innovation. Through initiatives such as the Innovate for Tomorrow Challenge, we actively pursue transformative opportunities to strengthen our contribution to national sustainability agendas, including reinforcing Dubai’s ambition to reduce its environmental impact, as well as cementing our position as a catalyst for meaningful change in the UAE and beyond."

“This challenge offers a valuable platform for impactful collaboration with global innovators who share a commitment to implement scalable solutions to help create a better, more sustainable and inclusive future for all. We look forward to seeing the innovation the applicants will no doubt showcase and working alongside side them to provide the vital guidance and support to bring their solutions to life,” Buhumaid added.

The winner and runner-up of the ‘Innovate for Tomorrow Challenge’, expected to be revealed in May 2024, will be selected following a rigorous evaluation process and will receive a comprehensive rewards package. This includes access to TECOM Group’s in5 business incubator, and a nominal cash prize for each. The winner will have the exclusive opportunity to implement the solution through a pilot programme with Dubai Holding and will receive tailored mentoring by industry experts from across the Group. In addition, the five finalists will have the opportunity to attend an investor pitch day to showcase their innovations to key industry stakeholders.

To ensure equal opportunity and access for all participants, there are no registration fees for application submissions. For further information or to submit an application to the ‘Innovate for Tomorrow Challenge, please click here.


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