UAE Secures Category-B Membership in IMO with the Highest Number of Votes |
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The country’s efforts in elevating the national maritime sector and its pioneering efforts to reinforce the global industry have been instrumental in securing the win

UK-London – Sunday, 3rd of December 2023: The UAE has been re-elected to the Council of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in the Category B membership for the fourth term with the highest number of votes, following comprehensive efforts and an intensive election campaign leading up to the elections. Through its landmark initiatives, the country continues playing an active role in strengthening the national maritime sector, while contributing to the growth of the global maritime and logistics industry.

The results of the election were announced earlier yesterday during the 33rd session of the IMO Assembly in London, which will conclude on 7th of December 2023. On being re-elected, the UAE received international praise for its pivotal role in developing strategies, policies and legislation that enhance maritime safety standards, protect the marine environment and support the sustainability of the global industry.

Expressing his delight on the occasion, His Excellency Eng. Suhail Al Mazrouei, the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure said,

The UAE has reaffirmed its leading status as a vital maritime centre in the world with this achievement. Our re-election to the Council of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the fourth consecutive term has further strengthened our active role in developing the sector and enhancing maritime safety standards, as well as protecting the marine environment globally. Through our efforts, we have been ranked as one of the most influential countries in developing a sustainable sector.”

Reaffirming its leadership status


H.E. Hassan Mohamed Juma Al-Mansoori, Undersecretary for the Infrastructure and Transport Sector at the UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure , said,

The UAE is, without doubt, a leader in the maritime world, and has immensely contributed to the growth of global trade and shipping, while making major contributions to the industry by taking pioneering steps to protect and safeguard their interests. We have the world’s best infrastructure and technology deployed at our ports. Our strategic location has contributed to its position of being a leading hub for maritime trade in the Arabian Gulf states, East Africa and the Indian subcontinent. All our ports are around-the-clock operated to facilitate maritime trade and keep the supply chains functioning. It is truly an honour to be re-elected to the Council owing to the hard work that we and our industry partners in the country have put in.”


All-round development

H.E. Hessa Al Malek, Advisor to the Minister for Maritime Transport Affairs, UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, said, “It is a moment of pride for us to be elected alongside other countries that have been doing great work for the sector. With this win, the UAE has demonstrated its active role in strengthening the maritime sector through a series of initiatives, as a result of which we have received international acclaim. We have been at the forefront when it comes to women’s participation in the industry. We also contributed to drafting the IMO Assembly Resolution A.1147 (31) ‘Preserving the Legacy of the World Maritime Theme for 2019 and Achieving a Barrier-Free Working Environment for Women in the Maritime Sector’. All this has culminated in another milestone achievement for us.”


Promising future

The UAE is an active contributor to the IMO activities through its positive and effective engagement and participation in all the works of the Assembly, Council, main technical committees, sub-committees, and related working groups.

H.E Mohammed Khamis Al Kaabi, UAE Permanent Representative at the IMO, said

 In the vast expanse of global trade, shipping stands as the backbone, propelling nations towards prosperity and economic growth. However, the maritime sector faces a crossroads marked by the dual challenges of digitalization and the imperative to decarbonize in the face of climate change. Our commitment to embracing these challenges is evident in the recent developments such as the Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships Code and the mandatory adoption of electronic data exchange within the maritime single window. These initiatives, coupled with the associated cyber risks, underscore the need for the International Maritime Organization  to proactively integrate advancing technologies into its regulatory framework, thereby accelerating digitalization in the maritime sector.”



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