Discover the Riches of Jordan: Highlight at Iftm Paris 2023 |
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Special meeting with Mr. Makram Mustafa Queisi, Minister of Tourism & Antiquities of Jordan                                                          Read in French

Jordan, the spotlight of the 2023 edition of TOP Resa, immerses visitors in its rich history, vibrant culture, and natural treasures. Demonstrations of folk dance and traditional music, presented by the exclusively female group NAYA and the Ma'an Folklore Group, will showcase Jordan's musical heritage.

Jordan, a destination steeped in history and fascination, has long attracted travelers from around the world. Offering a harmonious blend of impressive natural beauty, political stability, and security, Jordan is a sought-after year-round destination for those seeking unique and authentic experiences.

Whether you are a history enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or simply looking for relaxation, Jordan has something to offer every traveler. From the bustling streets of Amman to the magical desert of Wadi Rum, and the iconic city of Petra, one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, Jordan is brimming with treasures to explore. With no less than six UNESCO World Heritage Sites, history and heritage enthusiasts will find their bliss.

For adventurous travelers, Jordan offers a multitude of thrilling activities, from nights under the stars in a Bedouin camp to spectacular hikes, camel rides, hot air balloon flights, and diving and snorkeling adventures in Aqaba, a Red Sea resort.

If you're looking to rejuvenate, the Dead Sea offers a unique experience with its spas utilizing the therapeutic benefits of Dead Sea products.


Tourism plays a crucial role in the Jordanian economy, contributing 13% to the GDP. France is a key market for Jordan, attracting an increasing number of French visitors through effective communication and marketing campaigns. The recent "Kingdom of Time" campaign highlights Jordan's 7,000 years of history, authentic culture, and specifically targets adventurous travelers.


At IFTM Top Resa, Jordan also showcases Ayla, an ancient Islamic city transformed into a contemporary seaside district, the Ayla Marina Village. Jordan is thus striving to captivate exploratory travelers and strengthen its ties with traditional and potential markets. An authentic adventure awaits you in Jordan, so get ready to discover this exceptional destination at IFTM Top Resa.

Donia Hamouda
Donia Hamouda

CEO of -
Donia's passion for the tourism sector and robust entrepreneurial drive have propelled her to establish herself as an esteemed expert in Digital Destination marketing. She has achieved this by developing and overseeing digital solutions that consistently challenge the limits of innovation in Destination marketing.

← IFTM Top Resa 2023: Navigating Challenges...
IFTM TOP Résa 2023 : La Jordanie →
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